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Monday, August 23, 2010

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold

I find the further I go into this adventure with clay and fire the less I "get it". The beginning is centering - making the clay one with the wheelhead - balancing the forces at play. I can see and feel when the clay is not centered but only with luck can I push, shape and cajole the clay so that it is centered.

I wonder what there is to learn from this. My mood fluctuates through frustration, bemusement and exhilaration depending on what happens and the degree of control I feel I have over the process.

There is jackhammering going on nextdoor. A 200,000,000 year old sandstone outcrop is being smashed to rubble to make way for a townhouse. This afternoon I briefly escaped the noise, dust and vibration to sit in our car. By chance two poems by W B Yeats were read over the radio: "For Anne Gregory" and "An Irish Airman Foresees His Death".


Unknown said...

BB; I can see and feel when the clay is not centered but only with luck can I push, shape and cajole the clay so that it is centered.

Adam was, some say, formed from clay. The Alchemists call the Sun symbol - possibly the oldest known symbol, the circle with the dot in the middle...the centred Self.

Venus tracks an 8 pointed star round the Sun, opposing Bodes Law. The Star of Ischtar mirrors this star path. Many far reaching thoughts can be gained from this ;-)

Fresh Local said...

It's as if there's a barrier or disconnect between what I see and feel and how my body responds to it.

I have ideas about the thing but not the thing itself. A duality or schism that may reflect an existential malaise.

Unknown said...

No malaise! See melancholia by Durer - the disconnect = solve et coagulare the nature of the paradox is the tension of opposites held within tension within.
That there is a mind distinct from the body, I will expunge, Blake.
All to say that these feelings are perfectly natural for Gradual Development, I Ching, hexagram 53.
Splitting ideas about the thing I have in a poem called, Split, I think in Imago.
Wonderful that you are cajoling clay.

chanelbagmall said...

lv bags
Christmas gift

Fresh Local said...

So how did this bit of spam get through when two others from the same pseudo-blogger were blocked?